The Choice of
HWV 69
Musica di George Frideric Handel
attribuito a Thomas Morell
esecuzione: Londra, Covent Garden, 1 Marzo1751
Hercules (alto)
Pleasure (soprano)
Virtue (soprano)
An Attendant on Pleasure (tenore)
Testo del libretto:
1. Symphony
2. Accompagnato
See, Hercules, how smiles yon myrtle plain,
Where num'rous sparkling rills meand'ring glide!
'Tis there I fix my jocund reign,
'Tis there my laughing train reside.
There smokes the feast, enhanc'd by music's sound,
Fittest to tune the melting soul to love;
Rich odours breathing choicest sweets around,
The fragrant bower, cool fountain, shady grove;
Thither thy happy footsteps will I lead,
Fresh flow'rs shall bind thy brow,
Fresh flow'rs shall strew thy bed.
3. Air
Come, blooming boy, with me repair
To these ambrosial scenes of peace;
There bid adieu to noise and care,
Embath'd in bliss and wrapt in ease.
4. Air
There the brisk sparkling nectar drain,
Cool'd with the purest summer snows,
There, tir'd with sporting on the plain,
Beneath the woodbine's shade repose.
There, as serene thou liest along,
Soft warbling voices melting lays
Shall sweetly pour the tender song
To love or beauty's rapt'rous praise.
5. Solo and Chorus
While for thy arms that beauty glows,
That love awakes its purest fire,
And to each ravish'd sense bestows
All that can raise or sate desire.
Seize, seize these blessings, blooming boy,
For all these blessings are thy own!
Be hail'd the rose-crown'd king of joy,
And reign on pleasure's downy throne.
6. Recitative
Away, mistaken wretch, away!
To baser ears go trill thy languid lay;
Go, to thy revels let the fools repair,
To such go smooth thy speech, and spread thy tempting snare.
7. Air
This manly youth's exalted mind,
Above thy grov'lling taste refin'd,
Shall listen to my awful voice.
His childhood, in its earliest rise,
Bespoke him gen'rous, brave and wise,
And manhood shall confirm his choice.
8. Recitative
Rise, youth, exalt thyself and me! Approve
Thy high descent from Heav'n, and dare be worthy Jove.
9. Air
Go, assert thy heav'nly race,
Ev'ry danger boldly face;
Level pride's high-plumed crest,
And bravely succour the distrest.
10. Recitative
In peace, in war pursue thy country's good,
Bare thy bold breast for her, and pour thy gen'rous blood.
11. Solo and Chorus
So shalt thou gain immortal praise.
The golden trump of fame,
Its loudest notes shall raise,
And 'mid the gods enroll thy name.
So shalt thou gain immortal praise!
12. Recitative
Hearst thou, what dangers then thou must engage?
Dangers, that ill befit thy tender age,
That tender age, which was but meant to prove
The sweet vicissitudes of joy and love.
13. Solo and Chorus
Turn thee, youth, to joy and love;
Why, ah, why this fond delay?
Haste these blissful meads to rove,
Gentle youth, oh, haste away!
Why, ah, why this fond delay?
14. Recitative
Short is my way, fair, easy, smooth and plain.
Turn, gentle youth, with me eternal pleasures reign!
Oh, cease, enchanting siren, cease thy song!
I dare not, must not join thy festive throng.
15. Air
Yet can I hear that dulcet Iay,
As sweet as flows the honey dew?
Can I those wilds of joy survey,
Nor wish to share the bliss I view?
16. Air
Attendant on Pleasure
Enjoy the sweet Elysian grove,
Seat of pleasure, seat of love;
Pleasure that can never cloy,
Love to source of endless joy.
17. Recitative
Oh, whither, reason, dost thou fly?
Purge the soft charm that fascinates my eye.
18. Trio
Where shall I go?
To yonder breezy plain!
There sweetly swim in pleasure's winding stream.
Where shall I go?
To yonder lofty fane!
There brightly bask in virtue's radiant beam.
Where, where shall I go?
19. Accompagnato
Mount, mount the steep ascent,
Obey my voice, and live!
Let thy celestial birth lift and enlarge thy thoughts;
Behold the way that leads to fame,
And raises thee from earth immortal.
Lo, I guide thy steps — arise!
20. Air
Mount, mount the steep ascent,
And claim thy native skies!
21. Chorus
Arise, arise!
Mount, mount the steep ascent,
And claim thy native skies!
22. Recitative
The sounds breathe fire celestial, and impart
Immortal vigour to my glowing heart.
23. Air
Lead, goddess, lead the way!
Thy awful pow'r, supremely wise,
Shall guide me with its sacred ray
To yonder lucid skies;
Shall lift me to the blest abode,
Crown'd with immortal youth, among the gods a god.
24. Chorus
Virtue will place thee in that blest abode,
Crown'd with immortal youth, among the Gods a God.
Libretto inviato da
Armando Casarini